Adjusting back to normality

When deciding to start my blog back up again, my best friend suggested writing about adjusting back to normal life, and this is actually something I think people are thinking a lot about but not necessarily openly discussing.

When I was in lockdown in Somerset all I could think about was getting back to London, planning nights out, dinner parties and just seeing everyone all of the time once we are out of lockdown, and I am sure we can all relate to that. Don’t get me wrong I am incredibly excited for this but something was underlying along with this excitement.

What will it be like, seeing all these people again, being in large groups, staying up late and constantly socialising, along with feeling the pressure that we MUST do it all days and hours of the week. Certainly not everyone will feel worried about adapting back to normal but from speaking to most people, there is uncertainty surrounding this.

I can’t see people staying up until all hours every single weekend and filling their days full of socialising. Although tedious, I think many of us have enjoyed certain aspects of lockdown; less hangovers, feeling healthier or fitter, not wearing makeup, finding new hobbies and just having time to ourselves, and I don’t think we are ready to give that up.

One thing we have all taken from this pandemic is the importance of looking after our mental wellbeing. I think this will lead to people being more selective about who they spend their time with and ensuring they have time to themselves. People now know exactly what does and doesn’t make them feel good and they are not willing to settle for anything less than being happy every day.

Although I won’t take living life for granted now and I am sure I will be out every weekend seeing friends and exploring London, I will put my mental wellbeing first and be unapologetic about that. I won’t be forcing myself into plans when I need time out.

It is okay to create your own new normal, people have changed their views and outlooks during this time and it’s fine to want different from the life you lived before all of this. Put your feelings first, give yourself time out and don’t commit yourself to too many plans, spontaneity is always more fun anyway.

6 thoughts on “Adjusting back to normality

  1. Really great post, I definitely think that it’s going to be very strange returning to normal and we shouldn’t beat ourselves up for not feeling ecstatic or for wanting to set boundaries for ourselves because it’s a crazy time and we need to take care of ourselves!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Denise,
      Life is getting back to normal slowly. 12th April the restaurants, bars, shops and outdoor places will open. 17th May indoor places will open. Everyone is able to meet up outside now. The cases are dropping and many people have had the vaccine 🙂


      1. That’s good to hear!!
        There count down to the big move on. Will be good that things are opening as they move from California and one of the most restrictive states.
        Thank you for the in person update. Best wishes!!!🦋🕊

        Liked by 1 person

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